Baby and Lisa Houseman and Robbie Gould Wig Scene show/DirtyDancing
FollowingFilm / Dingy Dancing
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The ultimate chick movie.
"Nobody puts Babe in a corner."
— Johnny Castle
Dirty Dancing is a 1987 romance film starring Jennifer Greyness and Patrick Swayze, written by Eleanor Bergstein, directed by Emile Ardolino, and choreographed by Kenny Ortega. A sleeper hit, it became a sensation upon release, with reports of people supposedly viewing the film, then immediately returning to the theater to watch it a 2nd time. Amusingly, the studio that produced and distributed Muddied Dancing, Vestron Pictures, planned to release the film in theaters for only a weekend, then send it straight to home video, since they had originally been in the domicile video distribution business organization long before entering picture production.
Frances "Baby" Houseman and her wealthy family decide to spend the summer of 1963 at Kellerman'south, a Jewish resort in the Catskills. Baby's father, Jake (Jerry Orbach), is the personal medico for resort owner Max Kellerman (Jack Weston). While beingness squired around past Max'south creepy grandson, Neil (Lonny Toll), Babe quickly develops a crush on Johnny Castle, the resort's working-class dance instructor, eventually leading her to one of the staff's secret afterward-hours dance parties, where they engage in "dingy dancing" and Johnny teaches her some basic steps.
Soon after, she learns Johnny'due south dance partner Penny (Cynthia Rhodes) needs an illegal abortion resulting from an affair from resort waiter Robbie Gould (Max Cantor), who has begun dating Baby's older sister, Lisa (Jane Brucker). Only the only night they can run across the ballgame doctor, is the same night Johnny and Penny are due to earn actress money performing at a neighboring hotel named The Sheldrake. With no i to fill in, they might lose the gig, then Baby offers to help. Equally Johnny teaches her how to trip the light fantastic toe, the two grow shut. Only Baby's family would never approve of the relationship, and she needs to decide if information technology's worth fighting for...
Every bit mentioned in a higher place, this film was a major coup for Vestron Pictures, which, up until this point, was largely just involved with home video distribution. As a consequence of this film'southward success, Vestron turned information technology into a minor franchise, cranking out a TV series (see beneath) and a music bout which played in 90 cities for three months and was telecast in First-Run Syndication. They also began getting more than involved in making movies and actually began fully financing them (Vestron had released movies earlier Dirty Dancing came out, just those movies were made past outside filmmakers and Vestron was only handling distribution). Unfortunately, however, many of these other films ended up tanking at the box office, and these flops, coupled with the fact that many of Vestron's former clients were now forming their own dwelling video divisions and thus no longer needed their services, caused the company to somewhen declare bankruptcy and close down on January 11, 1991.
In 2004, a prequel entitled Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights was released by Lionsgate, which holds the rights to the original courtesy of their buying of the Vestron Pictures library. Set during the Cuban Revolution, the flick'south only connection to the offset is a cameo by Patrick Swayze, who got $v million for this scene (compared to the $200,000 for his starring role in the original moving picture), and in fact, information technology's a repeat of the original. Havana Nights was based on a script written by Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! host Peter Sagal that was non intended to be a Dirty Dancing sequel. Sagal has a story credit on the last motion-picture show, even though very little of his script made it into the final product aside from the setting, fourth dimension menstruation, and some of the characters. Havana Nights bombed with audiences and critics and was apace forgotten.
In addition to the prequel, there was a very short lived TV series based on the picture show, which ran on CBS from 1988 to 1989. In addition to not having any of the original cast and very limited involvement from the crew, the show had one glaring plot change: Baby (played by a young Melora Hardin) was now Max Kellerman'south (played past McLean Stevenson) daughter and in accuse of Johnny (played by Patrick Cassidy) equally the resort's talent director.
A musical stage adaptation titled Dirty Dancing: The Classic Story On Stage debuted in Australia in 2004, and various versions have toured throughout the United states of america and the UK.
A Made for TV musical, starring Abigail Breslin equally Baby, Colt Prattes as Johnny, Debra Messing as Mrs. Houseman, Bruce Greenwood every bit Dr. Houseman, Sarah Hyland as Lisa, Tony Roberts as Max Kellerman, Trevor Einhorn every bit Neil Kellerman, and Nicole Scherzinger every bit Penny, aired May 24, 2017 on ABC.
I've... had... the trope of my life:
- Abortion Fallout Drama: Penny goes through an ballgame without a second thought, even though she's scared, and her friends support her throughout. The operation turns out to be a dorsum-alley abortion that almost costs Penny her life, just Dr. Houseman saves her, doesn't report her, and even assures her that she'll still be able to have children later, without in one case blaming her or condemning her for her selection; his criticism is reserved entirely for the guy who got her into the predicament to begin with, and to his daughter for lying to him and getting involved.
- Actor Allusion: When Kelly Bishop, playing Infant's mother, Marge, says of her daughter's dancing abilities, "She gets that from me." Kelly Bishop is a erstwhile ballet and Broadway dancer who was Sheila Bryant in the original product of A Chorus Line. Jerry Orbach himself was too a well known Broadway dancer and he was Baton Flynn in the original product of Chicago. In fact, both musicals engaged in a famously publicized rivalry for box office receipts and Tony awards when they opened within months of each other in 1975.
- All for Nothing: Baby provides an alibi (ahem) for Johnny when he'south accused of theft. He gets canned anyhow for having a sexual relationship with a invitee. She even screams this after everything that happened. Though information technology wasn't all for nothing, non for Johnny anyhow, since nobody like her e'er stood up for someone like him.
- Not to mention Johnny is saved from a robbery conviction and subsequent criminal record.
- Alliterative Championship
- Back-Alley Md: The abortion dispensary. i.due east. "A dingy knife and a folding table."
- Blank Your Midriff: Some of Infant's outfits.
- Borscht Belt: Kellerman's is a Borscht Belt resort, though Borscht Belt comedy is non heavily featured in the movie.
- Break the Haughty:
- Lisa, when she catches Robbie in bed with another woman.
- Vivian, too, who is sitting lone during the final trip the light fantastic.
- Cleaved Pedestal: Baby is saddened to discover her begetter's elitism when he bans her from associating with Johnny and the other staff members (though in all fairness, it'southward considering of his mistaken belief that Johnny knocked upwardly Penny and wants to protect Baby from a similar fate). Similarly, her begetter is sorely disappointed in Infant's interest in Penny's illegal abortion and her deceit, and even more disappointed when he learns that she really did take sex with Johnny. Most tellingly, however, Dr. Houseman has this reaction at the cease towards Robbie, when he discovers that Robbie, who he had permitted to appointment his other girl, Lisa, all because he idea he was actually a good boy with a promising future ahead of him, is actually a muddied sleaze who was the actual culprit who got Penny "in problem" and who didn't even bother to take responsibleness. This of course causes the pedestals betwixt Baby and her father to exist perfectly repaired.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Baby tells Jake off in an emotional scene for his treatment of Johnny and herself.
- Tin can't Believe I Said That: This is Babe's reaction to awkwardly telling Johnny that she "carried a watermelon" when they beginning come across.
- Cannot Tell a Lie: Baby. To the bespeak where in i deleted scene, she threatens to lie about Lisa when the latter threatens to tell their parents about her sneaking around, alarm her that their parents will believe her because she never lies, and in another, her male parent instantly believes her when she confesses to a minor incident, just by saying, "Information technology has to be true. Baby never lies". This is later discovering her deception regarding Penny's abortion, when he'd have every reason to doubt anything she says.
- Chekhov's Gun:
- When Penny and Baby help Mrs. Schumaker when she drops her bag, multiple wallets can exist seen.
- Penny can exist seen glaring at Robbie while he flirts with Lisa, this is later revealed to be due to hurt and anger at him impregnating and abandoning her.
- Chekhov'due south Skill:
- The lift, or rather, Infant's disability to do one. Likewise, if y'all look in the groundwork during the scenes in the staff quarters, you can see the staff practicing the step-kick "Cuban rhythms" that Johnny demonstrates for Neil, and which they perform in the end.
- A doctor'south work is never done. Baby's father swoops to the rescue post-obit Penny's botched abortion.
- A deleted scene shows Dr. Houseman is an OB/GYN.
- Coming-of-Age Story: The shy wallflower Baby starts blossoming through dance and her human relationship with Johnny.
- Coordinated Clothes: Inverted with Infant and Johnny, who wear clothes of contrasting colours throughout the film, fifty-fifty for their dance number, where couples very often wear matching outfits. Notably, in the final dance scene, Johnny wears jet-black, while Babe wears a pale pink dress that, under the rose-colored gel lights, reads as pure white.
- Covert Pervert: Afterward the Sheldrake dance, Infant changes in the back seat of Johnny's car and he checks her out in the rear view mirror.
- Creator Cameo: As mentioned below in Nowadays-Mean solar day Past, period music consultant "Cousin Brucie" Morrow has a brief part as a sorcerer who saws Baby in half as a trick.
- The Cutie: Baby.
- Daddy's Girl: Baby, so much so that Lisa bluntly taunts her about finally having their father'south attention after the incident with Penny puts Babe out of his proficient graces.
- Trip the light fantastic toe of Romance: Pretty much the entire indicate of the movie.
- Dance Political party Ending: Includes a now legendary leap off the phase into the audience by Swayze, who at that point had reinjured his knees and was in considerable pain, but did information technology anyway then there'd be a visually impressive hook to the scene.
- Date Rape Averted: A mild version implied with Lisa and Robbie—early in the film, Baby and Neil spot them coming out from a secluded pathway with Lisa hurriedly adjusting her clothes and enervating an apology from Robbie, who sarcastically refuses. Disturbingly, she continues to date him throughout the picture show.
- Delusions of Local Grandeur: This movie was filmed on-location at Mountain Lake in Giles County, Virginia. A fact that WSLS
, a Roanoke, VA-based NBC station, volition make DAMN certain you don't forget if you watch it. Besides Lake Lure, North Carolina. Every Daughter Picket at Camp Occoneechee knew information technology too.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?:
- The dancing is deliberately (both in- and out-of-universe) meant to look sexual.
- The elevator is a metaphor for orgasm.
- The dance preparation. Penny symbolically places Baby in Johnny's arms and guides her through the trip the light fantastic toe moves, essentially giving her permission to "accept" Johnny, even though Penny was only his trip the light fantastic toe partner, and they weren't actually romantically involved.
- Cease of an Historic period: Max is painfully enlightened that the era of Borscht Chugalug resorts in the Catskills is coming to an terminate, stating outright that package holidays to Europe were condign the norm. Indeed, by the time the film was released, many resorts like Kellerman's had shut down or were on the verge of doing so.
- Epic Fail:
- At the stop of the film, Billy is trying to teach Lisa how to muddied trip the light fantastic toe and all she can really do is merely bounce in identify. Billy fifty-fifty laughs at it.
- Not that bouncing in identify is a bad dance for someone like her.
- Establishing Character Moment: At the beginning of the film, as the family is driving to Kellerman's, the girls are seen sitting in the backseat of the car. Lisa is gazing into a mirror, fussing with her hair, while Baby is reading a book. Without a unmarried word being spoken, Lisa is established as The Ditz while Baby is the intelligent one.
- Extraverted Nerd: Neil Kellerman. He's short and unattractive (compared to Johnny), just boasts that he's "the take hold of of the county" because he'due south heir to the Kellerman empire.
- Fanservice:
- By and large of shirtless Patrick Swayze, although soaking wet Jennifer Grey (in the river scene) is nothing to sneeze at.
- You tin can probably throw in all the Panty Shots of the dirty dancing girls, Penny in her dancing gear, and Lisa's prominent bustline in the bikini in the end scene.
- Female Gaze:
- Every bit noted on the DVD commentary, Infant is in every scene, and the view is entirely hers. Two other small examples: when Robbie is hitting on Lisa and Penny stares at him, and when Vivian watches Baby coming out of Johnny's cabin.
- Baby being in every scene is justified, as the film itself is her reciting her recollections.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Flaky, fashion-obsessed Lisa vs. studious, intelligent Baby.
- Funny Background Event: When Johnny is chirapsia the crap out of Robbie, several of the other entertainment staff gain be seen grinning gleefully in the background watching the beating.
- Gilligan Cut: "It's a stupid idea. She cannot exercise it." Cut to: Infant stepping on Johnny's feet.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: 1-sided on Lisa's role. However, Babe has a few moments like this, where it's unsaid that she doesn't think she's as pretty as Lisa—who visibly smirks at her when Robbie hits on her and completely ignores Baby—thus explaining her initial shyness and awkwardness around Johnny.
- Hidden Depths: Ditsy Lisa coldly accuses Baby of not caring nearly her and taunts her nigh how "Daddy listens when I talk now", indicating that for all her flakiness, she'south genuinely hurt and resentful most him favoring her.
- Hoist past His Ain Petard: How Jake finds out the truth about Penny's abortion. Near the end of the motion-picture show, while some of the staffers are singing the resort's anthem, Jake approaches Robbie, easily him an envelope containing either a check or a alphabetic character of recommendation, and wishes him good luck in medical school. Robbie replies by thanking Jake for helping Penny out and telling him, "I guess we've all gotten into messes", finer confessing and insulting Penny at the same time. Jake, who is understandably miffed, and not just over Robbie's human activity, but as well at himself for allowing Robbie to date Lisa at the same time, takes the envelope back.
- Hollywood Tone-Deaf: Lisa.
- Honorable Wedlock Proposal: Becomes a indicate of confusion when Dr. Houseman asks who's responsible for the meaning girl (meaning "who knocked her up?"), and Johnny Castle says "I am" (meaning "I'm taking responsibility for helping her out"). It should be noted, however, that Johnny really knew very well what Dr. Houseman meant, and but claimed responsibility because he was agape that it would be "Penny" who would be fired for sleeping with Robbie, due to the severe classicism going on at Kellerman's.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Johnny's easily are longer than Infant's waist. Also overlaps with I Head Taller.
- Incredibly Lame Fun: Kellerman's! Come for the charades, stay for the foxtrot lessons.
- Informed Judaism: Aside from their final proper noun and their vacationing at a Borscht Chugalug resort, neither the Housemans or the other resort guests say or do anything that indicates their Jewish faith.
- Interrupted Intimacy: How Lisa gets wise to Robbie. Lisa goes to Robbie's cabin in order to surprise him and finally go all the way with him, but to catch him in bed with Vivian (encounter Wiggle Ass below).
- Ivy League for Everyone : A few examples. Mr. Kellerman, when he'southward giving the "show the daughters a expert fourth dimension" speech to the wait staff, says he recruited them all from Harvard and Yale. Robbie the Jerkass waiter goes to Yale Medical School. Neil (Mr. Kellerman's grandson) goes to Cornell School of Eating house Direction. Baby will exist attending Mountain Holyoke (one of the "Sis Schools"). And when she gives Jake her speech communication at the end, she says that he thinks saving the globe means marrying someone from Harvard. The trope is probably Justified, given the movie's fourth dimension and setting (the Catskills).
- I Want Y'all to Meet an Old Friend of Mine:
- Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey previously worked together in Red Dawn (1984).
- Kenny Ortega previously choreographed Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which Grey likewise co-starred in.
- Swayze and Cynthia Rhodes appeared together in the music video for Toto's "Rosanna."
- Jerry Orbach and Kelly Bishop previously worked together in Promises, Promises.
- Jerkass: In add-on to Robbie, there's also Vivian Pressman (Miranda Garrison notation who also worked behind the scenes as assistant choreographer), a highly oversexed resort guest who falsely accuses Johnny of stealing her married man Moe's wallet after he spurns her sexual advances in favor of Baby.
- Jerk with a Heart of Aureate: Jake. Neil, besides. He's a cavalier, elitist snob. . .who's planning to join the Freedom Riders the following summer. Anyone planning to practise something like that can't be that bad. Max, besides. Despite all the flack he gives Johnny and his friends, he nonetheless treats the resort's black bandleader, Tito Suarez, equally an equal, not an inferior.
- Lovely Assistant: Baby is recruited to be the assistant of a stage magician who saws her in half as a trick.
- Mating Dance: It'southward called Dirty Dancing for a reason. All the dancing seen in the moving-picture show is very erotically charged. This includes Infant and Johnny's dances, underscoring their growing allure.
- Maybe E'er Later on: We don't really know if Johnny and Baby continue their romance after the picture show ends every bit she's only in that location on vacation.
- Meaningful Name: Or nickname rather. "Baby", representing her naivete and innocence. Penny even taunts her about this at ane signal—"Go along back to your playpen, Baby", in response to the latter's clueless insistence that Robbie volition do the right thing regarding her pregnancy.
- Mr. Fanservice: Expect women to go out the room to change their panties subsequently every scene with Patrick Swayze.
- Named After Somebody Famous: Baby, whose real name was Frances, was named after Frances Perkins, the first female to serve in the U.S. Cabinet, serving as Secretary of Labor under Franklin D. Roosevelt and during the first year in office for Harry Truman.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Baby confesses to having spent the night with Johnny in gild to keep him from being fired/arrested for stealing Moe Pressman's wallet. Merely for him to go fired anyway for getting involved with a guest and for her parents (peculiarly her male parent) to be furious with her.
- The Not-Love Interest: Penny and Johnny, though they may have been at some bespeak earlier the story. Despite their flawless chemical science as dance partners, they're cipher more very expert friends.
- Not So To a higher place Information technology All: Despite being Max's closest friend and an older formal band leader, Tito happily dances along with glee to "Time of My Life" at the stop. His approval seems to help convince Max.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Baby, who's actual name was Frances.
- Overprotective Dad: Infant'south father tries to shelter her from the world, but unlike many examples of this trope, isn't overly smothering and deeply trusts her. The existent conflict happens when he has a misunderstanding about Johnny existence involved in Penny'south need for an abortion.
Jake: From now on, you'll take nothing to do with them!
Baby: Just if you'll just permit me explicate—
Jake: Null! You'll take nothing to exercise with them! - Parental Obliviousness: Babe's mother, Marge (Kelly Bishop) remains blissfully unaware of what goes on throughout the movie, though a deleted scene indicates that she isn't as clueless as initially presented—she sternly chastises Baby for her behavior and reveals that she had been in a similar state of affairs before meeting Jake. Jake also. He never realizes what Baby is involved in until he'southward dragged into information technology on i occasion—when she runs to get his help after Penny's botched abortion—and when Baby confesses at another time. This isn't due to stupidity, he simply has never had any reason to doubt or distrust her.
- Parenthetical Swearing: "He wouldn't know a new idea if it hit him in his pachanga!"
- Pet the Dog: Lisa offering to do Baby's hair, then hugging her as she breaks downwards.
- Platonic Life-Partners: Johnny and Penny, dating back to childhood. Although Baby initially thought they were a couple, even thinking he was the ane who got her pregnant.
- Playing Gertrude: In real life, Kelly Bishop is but respectively 14 and 16 years older than on-screen daughters Jane Brucker and Jennifer Grey, and is actually 23 years younger than on-screen husband Jerry Orbach.
- Present-Day Past: Baby's outfits look more '80s than '60s, and much of the soundtrack is contemporary music. Nonetheless, the moving-picture show besides features a good amount of songs from the era when the pic takes place, thanks to the piece of work of the movie'due south period music consultant, Bruce Morrow, who also appears in the film as a magician who saws Babe in half every bit a play tricks. Morrow was actually given the task of catamenia music consultant on the strength of his work as a disc jockey for New York City oldies radio station WCBS-FM 101.1, where he was known to listeners as "Cousin Brucie," a stage name he nevertheless uses on SiriusXM after leaving WCBS in 2005 because of an ill-advised experiment in jocklessness.
- Pretty in Mink: A couple of the rich lady guests at the resort wear white fur wraps.
- Rich Bitch/Woman Scorned: Johnny's previous "dance student". She ends upward sleeping with Robbie.
- Rich Suitor, Poor Suitor: Pretty much the but area of romantic conflict.
- "Sesame Street" Cred: Applies to Lonny Price, Miranda Garrison, Jerry Orbach, choreographer Kenny Ortega, and music supervisor Michael Lloyd. Price previously played Ronnie Crawford in The Muppets Take Manhattan, while Garrison went on to choreograph The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland. Meanwhile, Orbach subsequently went on to phonation Lumiere in Beauty and the Animal, while Ortega went on to direct and choreograph Newsies and High School Musical. Finally, Lloyd was simultaneously working as music producer for Kidsongs.
- Sexy Soaked Shirt: The lift. Practiced in water.
- Shirtless Scene: Have a drinkable everytime you encounter 1. Promise y'all enjoy getting your stomach pumped.
- The '60s: Though you would never know it from Jennifer Grey'south '80s Hair.
- Smash Cut: Baby's begetter learning of her sexual relationship with Johnny. Cutting to Dr. Houseman sitting asleep at the lakefront.
- Slobs Versus Snobs:
- The wealthy patrons vs. the assistance.
- Fifty-fifty within the assist this disharmonism is seen. The waiters were recruited from Ivy League schools, are practically ordered to romance the girls—Max outright says "I brought you hither to evidence the goddamn daughters a skilful time"—and clearly wait down on the dance teachers, who are from the wrong side of the tracks and threatened with punishment should they go involved with a guest—indeed, Johnny is fired when his and Baby'southward relationship is revealed. Note that Dr. Houseman sternly disapproves of them while having no problem with Robbie and Lisa'southward relationship (to exist fair, though, this is largely only considering he mistakenly believes that Johnny got Penny "in trouble and sent her off to some butcher while he moved on to an innocent young daughter" like Baby). Meanwhile, Penny fears that it'due south she who will be fired for sleeping with Robbie.
- Indeed, the but members of the entertainment staff who aren't treated condescendingly are the resort'due south firm ring. If anything, Max doesn't see Tito every bit merely an employee, but also as a friend and confidant every bit well, and thus treats him equally an equal.
- Stage Sorcerer: There is one in the resort. During the show, he saws Baby, his Lovely Banana, in half.
- Stylistic Suck: Lisa's singing during the final testify. Extra intentional, as the actress wrote information technology herself for it to exist like that.
- Taking the Heat: While treating Penny, Jake asks point blank, "Who'southward responsible for this girl?" and Johnny replies, "I am." And, of form, Baby admitting that she was with Johnny when the wallets were stolen, despite the consequences.
- Touché: Jake when he apologizes to Johnny at the end of the movie.
Jake: I know you lot weren't the one who got Penny in trouble.
Johnny: Yep.
Jake: When I'm incorrect, I say I'm wrong.
- The Un-Favourite: In 1 of her few scenes with genuine emotional depth, Lisa implies that she has felt similar this for some time, and gloats that Baby is in this position now.
Lisa: (in response to Baby's advice to not sleep with Robbie) "Oh, come on. You don't care almost me. You wouldn't care if I humped the entire Ground forces as long as they were on the correct side of the Ho Chi Minh trail. What yous care about is that you lot're non Daddy's Girl anymore. He listens when I talk at present. And you detest that." (turns away)
- Uptown Daughter:
- Wealthy Baby is this to wrong-side-of-the-tracks Johnny.
- Gender-inverted to a lesser extent with wealthy Robbie and wrong-side-of-the-tracks Penny.
- Watching the Reflection Undress: While driving dorsum from their dance performance, Johnny watches Baby modify via the car's rearview mirror.
- Yiddish as a Second Language: A quick exchange during the concluding show between Max and Tito:
Tito: Hei, Landsman, vos hert zikh mit dir? (Roughly "Howdy, friend, how are y'all?"
Max: Freg nisht. (Roughly: "Don't enquire.")
- You Have to Believe Me!: When Johnny was defendant of theft, Babe tries to tell everyone information technology wasn't Johnny without revealing that she slept with him at the fourth dimension. None of them take her word for it until she confessed.
Babe: I know Johnny didn't take Moe's wallet.
Jake: How do y'all know?
Baby: I can't tell yous. Only please but trust me!
Jake: I'm pitiful Babe, I can't.
Tropes institute in the 2017 Fabricated-for-Television set Film
- Adaptational Jerkass: Both Jake and Johnny are much douchier in the remake than they were in the original.
- Adaptational Squeamish Guy: Penny is considerably friendlier in the remake than her 1987 film counterpart, and Lisa and Baby's relationship is less antagonistic. Neil is no longer a jerk, simply a budding feminist and friend to Baby.
- Accommodation Expansion: The remake is three hours long and features a couple of new characters, some added character backgrounds, and a couple of pocket-sized subplots.
- Ascended Actress: Jake and Marjorie get this treatment due to at present having a subplot involving their union existence on the rocks, equally does Tito due to the presence of his son, Marco, who also has a subplot involving him romantically pursuing Lisa after she breaks up with Robbie.
- The Big Damn Kiss: Later Johnny and Baby sleep together the first time, he gives her the cold shoulder, and she stands outside his motel door yelling for him to come out and deal with her. He responds by throwing open the door and offering up The Big Damn Osculation.
- Bittersweet Ending: The ending reveals that Baby and Johnny didn't stay together, with her marrying and having a child with someone else, merely they still have addicted memories of the summer of 1963, with his final line to her being "Keep dancing".
- Break-Up Song: Performed past Marjorie, with a Reprise from Jake.
- Brick Joke: The Marilyn wig Baby tries on at the start of the flick reappears on someone else's head during the talent show.
- Chekhov's Gun: Vivian gives Johnny an expensive lookout. After, when he rejects her for Baby, Vivian accuses him of stealing it.
- Blended Character: Neil doubles every bit the Emcee/bad comic.
- Date Rape Averted: Merely like in the kickoff film, Robbie tries to do this to Lisa. Dissimilar the starting time picture show, nonetheless, Lisa really dumps Robbie for skillful after it happens and instead pursues a new love interest, Marco Suarez, a member of the resort's firm band, which is led by his male parent, Tito Suarez.
- Demoted to Extra: Robbie's role is much smaller than in the original film, with Lisa instead pursuing a new beloved involvement, Marco, a member of the resort'southward house band, which is led by his begetter, Tito.
- Distant Finale: The film opens with a 1975 Baby watching Muddy Dancing: The Musical and reminiscing about her time at Kellerman'due south. In the end Johnny catches upwards with her, and she wrote a book most the experience, upon which the musical is based.
- Framing Device: The motion-picture show starts with Baby attending a performance of "Dirty Dancing: The Musical" (possibly referring attempts to create a musical based on the film, which the remake substantially is) before flashing back to the summer of 1963, and then ending dorsum at the musical performance.
- Friendship Song: Penny teaches Baby how to exist a sexy dance partner using "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On."
- Minor Character, Major Song: Penny, Marjorie, and Vivian each get a prove-stopper.
- Parents as People: In contrast to beingness Happily Married in the first flick, Baby's parents are having serious marital issues in the remake, with her female parent revealing that they've had a Sexless Union for the past year.
- She Is All Grown Up: When Babe puts on her dancing wearing apparel, and the white gown at the end.
- Spicy Latina: Penny, although she's more Ambiguously Brownish.
- The Vamp: Vivian, more so than in the original. Katey Sagal even gets to perform the ultimate "torch vocal."
Tropes Establish In The 2004 Prequel Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights:
Forth with many of the tropes in the original picture, the prequel also includes:
- Actionized Sequel: The threat of the Cuban revolution looms over the story and finally happens on New year's Eve.
- Date Rape Averted: Katey's date, James—the son of her father's boss—gets fresh with her during their evening out. Unlike other instances of this trope, however, he really has the decency to apologize and even provides her with an alibi for whenever she sneaks off to meet Javier.
- Pilus of Golden, Heart of Gilded: Kind-hearted Katey is blonde.
- Lady in Red: Katey borrows a red apparel from her family'due south housekeeper.
- Peradventure Ever Later on: Katey and her family accept to leave Republic of cuba after the revolution. She tells Javier "I'1000 taking you lot with me." He responds, "I'chiliad keeping you lot here." They share one last dance at a local nightclub and Katey vows that while information technology might exist their last dance in Republic of cuba, information technology won't be their final dance, menstruum. The movie ends in that location, so we never know what happened.
- Pink Is Feminine: Katey wears a pinkish dress when she and Javier compete in the finals.
- Remake Cameo: Patrick Swayze appears in several scenes as a dance teacher.
- Rich Suitor, Poor Suitor: James is the rich suitor to Javier's poor.
- Sexy Discretion Shot: Javier and Katey cover, begin to undress. . .cut to the outside of the cabana every bit we see their silhouettes lying down. The next morning, they're snuggled together, with him shirtless and her wearing his shirt.
- Their Offset Fourth dimension: Katey's likely, though it's uncertain if information technology was Javier's as well.
- True Blue Femininity: Katey wears a blue dress during her final trip the light fantastic toe with Javier.
- Uptown Girl: Wealthy Katey is this to waiter Javier.
The Time of My Life
Infant gets out the corner and she & Johnny perform their iconic dance scene.
Example of:
Signature Scene
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